Donkey Watch – Donkey Adapts!   Leave a comment

I love my Donkey and I love using it as a double buggy – which is why we have it of course! Unfortunately, nearly three-year-olds have very strong minds and if Florence decides she doesn’t want to go in the buggy then it’s often not worth the argument, especially if we’re not going far or for very long. However she’s not really fast enough to let her walk all the time so on some occasions I prefer to use the wheeled board on my Bee and she stands very nicely having a chat with her baby brother. The board seems to keep them both very well entertained indeed so I love to use it.I have different styles of travel for different outings, I’m lucky I’m afforded the options I know as it does make life easier.

Most of the time we use Le Donk as a double but when we don’t for varying reasons, this is what we do:

If I travel on the tube using the non buggy friendly stations then I use the bee because it’s light and easy to maneuver and I put Florence in a sling on my back or I’d worry about her hopping on and off the board. The board draws up with a cord and then when we get outside I can drop it again, take her off my back and away we go. It doesn’t get in the way at all but for added ease the wheel pops off with the push of a button, can be stored underneath the buggy in the basket and then pops back on again with a satisfying click!

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Florence on the board one day in the summer whilst using my bee.


Another day and she’s on my back as we’ve been on the tube and the board is up. Can you see it? It doesn’t get in the way at all!

When I travel with just one child I always use my Donkey and have the shopping basket on the side. It’s amazingly helpful to have and I absolutely love using it in the supermarket because I don’t have to get a trolley or even hold a basket. A small thing you might think but something which can be a real pain otherwise! People ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS ask me about the buggy when I have it in this mode. It’s very impressive and people just seem to love it – as do I! I think it actually looks wider than it is as well, I never have any trouble getting through anywhere even as a double so I certainly don’t when it’s in single mode. In fact, you might not realise but the Donkey, as a single, WITH the shopping basket, is no wider than a Cameleon! True story!


The Donkey as a single is a marvel! They didn’t call him Donkey lightly poor thing!

I love using the Donkey with one seat and the basket, I love using the buggy board and Florence loves to be on it… Got me thinking that I’d really like to use my buggy board on the Donkey too. Just for certain occasions to give me that one more option – I know! I am greedy and want lots of choices but why not?

You can get a wheeled board adaptor for the Donkey which costs just £12.95 in John Lewis and it means I can use my same board but on the other buggy too! It’s so easy to fit the adaptor round the chassis, I did it myself even and didn’t need the assistance of my husband at all! (I’m not usually very good at this sort of thing)! The board clicks on and off the bee with the pull of a lever each side and clicks right back on again with no effort at all and now it can just be changed from one buggy to the other! This option is a superb choice for me at the moment and means I can use my shopping basket all the time! The cord which you can draw the board up with can be changed from buggy to buggy without much effort too as it just holds on with velcro but I generally leave it on the bee and then if I don’t want it while I’m out with the Donkey I click it off and pop it in the substantial under storage basket. It’s just laziness really.

Wheeled board and wheeled board adaptor: As with everything made by Bugaboo they are absolutely the best quality you can get. It pushes just exactly the same as the wheels are those Bugaboo quality ones I love so much! That Bugaboo ease of push is what I look for every time and you get that with the Bugaboo wheeled board! It makes the buggy a bit heavier of course, while using the Bee it makes it a slightly harder push (barely noticeable) but when using the Donkey, which was built for two and has pneumatic wheels, you don’t notice a thing – honestly!

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We all love using the wheeled board on Le Donk! 

For more information on the ‘Donkey’ and all other ‘Bugaboo’ products please see their website It’s also worth noting that ‘When you choose a ‘Bugaboo’ product (now available in more than 50 countries) you are choosing a company which is a proud (PRODUCT) RED™ partner. ‘Bugaboo’ contributes a portion of its profits across all products – to the Global Fund to help eliminate AIDS in Africa, with the goal of ending mother-to-child HIV transmission by 2015.

Posted December 13, 2012 by rocknrollerbaby in Uncategorized

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